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Chemical Terminology Education III

Product Information

Chemical Terminology Education III

Technical explanation

Calcium Sulfate: Commonly known as gypsum. When water is removed from a saturated solution of calcium sulfate, it possesses insoluble and precipitating properties.
Carbonate Hardness: See "Hardness".
Positive ions: Substance particles dissolved in water have a positive charge in the current period and are called positive ions. Physically, in any system of matter, the number of cations is equal to the number of anions (negatively charged ions).
Coagulation: This is a chemical combination of small particles of suspended matter into larger particles of suspended matter to produce faster settling or better filtration. The most widely used coagulant is aluminum. Other sometimes used coagulants are sodium oxide, ferric chloride, lime, and manganese oxide. Polyelectrolytes (Polyelctrolyte) are often used as coagulant aids.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): It is a test used in wastewater where a chemically strong oxidizing agent reacts with some organic matter in the water. This test is more accurate than the BOD test, but the COD test cannot measure all organics in the water. See TOC.
Colorimetric Titration: The titration method used to measure the final color change.
Compaction: When reverse osmosis membranes are exposed to excessive pressure and/or temperature, resulting in changes in physical structure, the resulting permeation capacity will decrease.
Concentrated water: Water that is rejected during the reverse osmosis process, this water contains a very concentrated amount of dissolved solids.
Concentration Polarization: See "Boundary Layer".
Conductivity: The ability of an aqueous solution to carry an electric current depends on the presence or absence of ions in the solution. Conductivity is a measure that describes this ability. Solutions of inorganic ions are relatively good conductors (and exhibit high conductivity), whereas solutions of organic molecules are relatively poor conductors (and exhibit low conductivity). High purity water is also a poor conductor. Conductivity is expressed in units of Siemen/cm (or mhos/cm/). Conductivity measurements are often used when testing the performance of reverse osmosis equipment. Conductivity changes with temperature, so it should be measured with a meter that has a temperature compensation function. The usual base reference temperature is 25C. Conductivity measurements are sometimes used to estimate the total amount of dissolved solids in water. This practice, while convenient, is imprecise. (See also Resistivity)

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