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Activated carbon dechlorination technology

Product Information

Activated carbon dechlorination technology

Technical explanation

What is granular activated carbon (GAC) used to filter?
Granular activated carbon is suitable for reducing chlorine, organic matter, colour, tannins and offensive tastes and odors in water. Granular activated carbon can significantly reduce the following pollutants:
• Trihalomethanes (THMs) - This is a group of organic chemicals suspected of causing cancer.
• Bad taste and smell in water
• Turbidity (cloudy water)
• Herbicides, insecticides, insecticides
• Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs) – These organic chemicals can become volatile gases.

What is activated carbon?
Carbon is an extremely porous material that attracts and traps a variety of harmful pollutants. Activated carbon is also carbon, but the process of activation gives it a slight increase in electropositive charge, making it more attractive to chemicals and impurities. So, when water passes over the positively charged activated carbon surface, the negative ions of the pollutants are attracted to the surface of the carbon particles.

Urban tap water contains high chlorine value, how does it affect RO membrane?
Chlorine in the water can damage the RO membrane. In 美國 and Canada, the chlorine level in the water is 0.2 to 1 ppm. In Taiwan, chlorine levels in water range from 0.2 to 1 ppm. The use of activated carbon filter equipment can effectively remove residual chlorine in water.

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