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CLACK activated carbon filter (ozone sterilization)

Product Information

STORM series CLACK activated carbon filter (ozone sterilization)

Generally, the common activated carbon flushing procedures mostly use "backwash + front washing" to flush impurities, so the activated carbon often has organic pollution, which is not easy to remove during flushing, the pores of the activated carbon are blocked, and the adsorption and other characteristics will change. This equipment can automatically ozone sterilization of the whole machine. It adopts ozone oxidation technology to replace the adsorption value with highly oxidizing substances to achieve true regeneration and disinfection.

3 major features:


(1) Regeneration control:

Flow mode (automatic regeneration after the total flow is detected automatically)

7-day mode (cycle setting: Monday to Sunday)

28-day mode (cycle setting: every 1 day to every 28 days)


(2) Customer group protection:

The blue light control valve can input your company name and service phone number by yourself (the system will automatically display your company service phone number)


(3) Provide peer advantages:

One backup and one use type JDS water softener (during resin regeneration, the supply of softened water is uninterrupted)

Electrolytic disinfection type SAN water softener (using electrolytic brine to produce sterilization effect)

Ozone disinfection type OZN carbon filter (using ozone kit to produce disinfection effect)

In-tank aeration type STM iron remover (using the inner aeration kit to save the cost of the aeration tower)

Special CMT sand filter for sewage treatment (automatically converts the second clean water source to perform backwashing)

CKT water softener for waste water recovery (automatic recovery of salt-free waste water for reuse)

Multi-valve integrated special network water softener


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