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CLACK sand filter (3 uses and 1 backup)

Product Information

NJMF series CLACK sand filter (3 uses and 1 backup)

The first level of water treatment site, filtering large impurities such as rust, sediment, suspended solids in the water, and effectively protecting household/commercial/industrial water pipelines and equipment.

7 major features:


(1) System features: 

Uninterrupted supply of soft water during resin regeneration


(2) Fast maintenance: 

Quick-release maintenance design reduces service costs


(3) Customer group protection: 

The blue light control valve can enter your company name and service number by yourself


(4) Regeneration control: 

Flow mode (automatic regeneration after the total flow is detected automatically)


(5) Salt bucket replenishment: 

Preset replenishment time length mode

Set the salt supplement weight mode each time


(6) Salt storage barrels: 

Wet Salt Storage Mode

Dry Salt Storage Mode


(7) Provide peer advantages: 

Electrolytic disinfection type water softener (using electrolytic disinfection to produce bactericidal effect)

Wastewater recovery type water softener (automatic recovery of salt-free wastewater for reuse)


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