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CLACK iron removal filter (backwash water recovery)

Product Information

CCT series CLACK iron removal filter (backwash water recovery)

In response to the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Water Conservancy Administration's 112.02.01 launch of the policy of levying industrial water consumption fees. It consumes 80 - 90 minutes of water consumption during backwashing of the filter material. This equipment can recover 97% of water consumption, and can recover a large amount of water consumption throughout the year.

5 Features


(1) System features:

This equipment automatically detects and recovers water consumption when the filter material is backwashed

Modular design, fast construction and space saving, recyclable up to 97% water consumption


(2) Service features:

Quick-release maintenance design reduces service costs


(3) Customer group protection:

The blue light control valve can input your company name and service phone number by yourself (the system will automatically display your company service phone number)


(4) Regeneration control:

Flow mode (automatic regeneration after automatic detection of total flow)

7-day mode (cycle setting: Monday to Sunday)

28-day mode (cycle setting: every 1 day to every 28 days)


(5) Provide peer applications:

Filter water consumption recycling

In response to the government's 112.02.01 levy of industrial water consumption fees policy

Recycling and reuse of factory water consumption to improve engineering application


Technical teaching:

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